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What does Capitol Punishment mean to me?

Title: What does Capitol Punishment mean to me?
Category: /Law & Government/Supreme Court
Details: Words: 484 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
What does Capitol Punishment mean to me?
Captitol Punishement means if you do a really bad crime you can be put to death for it. The Ten Commandments say "Thou shalt not kill." I believe in that. Grown ups might say if you kill someone you should be put to death. What about all taxpayers? Would it be cheaper putting them to death or letting them live the rest of their lives in jail? You would have to pay for medical care, …showed first 75 words of 484 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 484 total…you let them live in prison and they get out will they kill again? Who is to stop them from doing it again? If you have someone that kills once they might do it again. Can you tell that family, oops we let him out because we didn't think he or she would kill again. Is that fair? Everyone has their own opinions about this subject so thier is no wrong answer to this question.

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