Category: /Literature/European Literature
The Miller's Tale and the Franklin's Tale are two completely different stories. The miller's tale responds to certain other tales, like the Knight's tale. It turns it from courtly love into a burlesque farce. In the Franklin's tale, the lovers are
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
burdens of kingship, announces that he intends to divide his kingdom amongst his three daughters. Each must state how much she loves him - he will then judge which daughter loves him best. The winner of the 'love test' will receive the largest portion
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
who seek it to perform deliberate acts of corruption. An identifiable act of corruption that served as the means for three men to obtain individual prosperity, whilst causing another man to be condemned for life was the root for the predominant theme
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
Mercutio's role is the most important. He is the kinsman to the prince and Romeo's closest friend and confidante, and in this role he can be very inluential to Romeo and can influence the decisions made and the directions the play takes. He uses
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
life was doomed from the start. Antigone accompanied her father into exile but returned to Thebes after his death. Oedipus left the throne of Thebes to his sons, Eteocles and Polynices, Antigone's brothers. The two came into conflict over who should
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
plot, character, thought, diction, melody, and spectacle. Aristotle felt that the action of the play (its plot) was the most important of the six elements. He said, "All human happiness or misery takes the form of action....Character gives us qualities,
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
II generation had on America as it is today is remarkable. In Tom Brokaw's book, The Greatest Generation, he describes in a very personal and detailed way, the lives of a handful of World War II veterans, some famous and others unknown, but all had
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
the futility and consequences of defying the divine order. Oedipus served Thebes as a great ruler, loved by his subjects; but it is his one tragic flaw, hubris, which dooms his existence, regardless of the character attributes that make him such a belov
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
pondering what the actual meanings of his plays are, and why the characters act in a certain manner. In Hamlet, a great deal of scholarly detective work has been done to unravel the unique complexity of his text, such as, why Ophelia became mad. There
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
by centuries of neglect, there is written this verse in Latin, "Here lies Arthur, the once and future king." No one has ever found this tomb, though many have claimed to. Is the tomb real? For that matter, is Arthur real? Where did the mystical legend
Details: Words: 2218 | Pages: 8.0 (approximately 235 words/page)